Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: ROS Tutorials.
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Using OpenCV with Image Processing

Description: A setup and initialization guide to using an OpenCV node with image_pipeline.

Keywords: OpenCV, stereo vision, image pipeline

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


While image_publisher is a great tool and the camera_drivers package contains a great resources for using industrial cameras, like the Prosilica GigE and Firewire cameras, it lacks an easy guide on how to use OpenCV. Enter: this guide.


The structure of the image processing pipeline remains unchanged, the only difference is the use of the cv_camera node in lieu of another camera driver. There will be two cv_camera nodes that each publish image_raw and camera_info topics. The image_pipeline node, stereo_image_proc will subscribe to these topics and publish the usual data, including a disparity map and pointcloud.

Getting Started

Assuming that ROS is installed following the standard install procedure for your operating system and a catkin workspace has been set up according to the ROS tutorials, the next step is to install and setup OpenCV and cv_bridge.

Project Folder

First make a project folder by entering the following commands into your terminal:

>$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
>$ mkdir cv_pipeline
>$ cd cv_pipeline
>$ mkdir src
>$ cd ~/catkin_ws
>$ catkin_make

This creates the source folder and related build folders.


The dependencies necessary for using OpenCV with image_pipeline are as follows:

  1. opencv3

  2. cv_bridge

  3. image_transport

  4. stereo_image_proc

  5. image_view

  6. nodelet

  7. cv_camera

  8. camera_calibration

These should be installed with rosdep:

>$ rosdep install package_name

where package_name is the name of the package. For more help using rosdep, check the wiki page or type rosdep --help into the command line interface.

Test System

A test system is created using rosrun to make sure that everything is working and was installed correctly/no missing dependencies. Before testing, make sure roscore is running at address 11311 through:

>$ roscore

Then it is recommended that you open a new terminal window and start rqt_graph through:

>$ rqt_graph

This will enable you to look at the emerging network map as you set it up. Before proceeding, check which topics are being published with

>$ rostopic list

If nothing else is running, you should only see


Now you can begin creating your image_pipeline nodes.


First, after both cameras are connected and ROS has been verified to be running, test the cv_camera node through:

>$ rosparam set cv_camera/device_id=0
>$ rosrun cv_camera cv_camera_node

This will initialize the first camera publisher with an OpenCV device id of 0. To test to see if the topic is publishing, type

>$ rostopic list

You should see



To subscribe to the topics published by the cv_camera_node and visualize the results, use the image_view node in the image_pipeline stack.

>$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/cv_camera/image_raw

This will allow you to view the image message data in a visual form.

Launch File

Of course, it is easier to set up a launch file. To do so, navigate to the cv_pipeline project folder with roscd. Then use your editor (e.g., nano, vim, or text editor of your choice) to create a launch file (e.g., cv_pipeline.launch). Save this to your project directory and open it for editing.

Camera Calibration

First the camera must be calibrated. To do so please follow either of these guides:

For monocular cameras.

For stereo cameras.

After the camera(s) have been calibrated, the image processing pipeline can be set up.

Monocular Image Processing

For monocular image processing the following is a sample launch file:

   1 <launch>
   2   <!-- Argument for device id -->
   3   <arg
   4     name="cam1"
   5     value="0"
   6   />
   7   <!-- Publisher node -->
   8   <node
   9     pkg="cv_camera"
  10     type="cv_camera_node"
  11     name="camera1" 
  12     args="$(arg cam1)" >
  13     <remap from:="cv_camera/image_raw" to:="camera1/image_raw" />
  14   </node>
  15   <!-- Subscriber node -->
  16   <node
  17     pkg="image_proc"
  18     type="image_proc"
  19     name="image_proc" />
  20 </launch>

Save the file, and call it with the following command:

>$ roslaunch cv_pipeline cv_pipeline.launch

This should bring both nodes up, and the network map can be see through rqt_graph and the topic list through rostopic list. Additionally, the visual data from the image_proc node can be seen with:

>$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=camera1/image_rect

Stereo Image Processing

For stereo image processing the following is a sample launch file:

   1 <launch>
   2   <!-- Argument for device id -->
   3   <arg
   4     name="cam1"
   5     value="0"
   6   />
   7   <arg
   8     name="cam2"
   9     value="1"
  10   />
  11   <!-- Publisher node -->
  12   <node
  13     pkg="cv_camera"
  14     type="cv_camera_node"
  15     name="left" 
  16     args="$(arg cam1)" >
  17     <remap from:="left/image_raw" to:="stereo/left/image_raw" />
  18     <remap from:="left/camera_info" to:="stereo/left/camera_info" />
  19   </node>
  20 <node
  21     pkg="cv_camera"
  22     type="cv_camera_node"
  23     name="right" 
  24     args="$(arg cam2)" >
  25     <remap from:="right/image_raw" to:="stereo/right/image_raw" />
  26     <remap from:="right/camera_info" to:="stereo/right/image_raw" />
  27   </node>
  28   <!-- Subscriber node -->
  29   <node
  30     pkg="stereo_image_proc"
  31     type="stereo_image_proc"
  32     name="stereo_image_proc" />
  33 </launch>

Save the file, and call it with the following command:

>$ roslaunch cv_pipeline cv_pipeline.launch

This should bring all three nodes up, and the network map can be see through rqt_graph and the topic list through rostopic list. Additionally, the visual data from the stereo_image_proc node can be seen with:

>$ rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:=/stereo image:=image_color

This should display both images side-by-side with the disparity image.

Wiki: stereo_image_proc/Tutorials/Using OpenCV for Image Processing (last edited 2018-07-27 02:52:02 by MalcolmForbes)